I need this please also the directions are in the photo

Answer: 1st measure: 1, 2, and, 3, 4.
2nd measure: R, and, 2, R, and, 4.
3rd measure: 1, 2, 3.
4th measure: Q dot +, and , 2.
5th measure: Q dot +, and, 3, R, and.
6th measure: Q dot +, and, 3, 4.
7th measure: 1, 3, 4.
8th measure: 1, 2, and, 3
Explanation: When counting the beats in music, we must count each note with their respective value, so that It's easier to follow the rhythm, Quarter notes are referenced as 1 (1 beat), rests are represented as R, we do not have sound in this part, however, we still count it. Dotted quarter notes are represented as Q dot +, because their value is of 1 beat and a half. The "+" counts as part of the second beat. Finally, eighth notes are counted as "and", since their value is of half a beat.
The different names help us count the beats of every measure efficiently.