need help asap! im working on my english assignment but I'm in a bit of a problem. i can't find anything in the article related to this!

An awful lot of questions but here I go
1. An intervention is when you butt in for the sake of salvaging/improving something.
2. Middle school students are younger and more energetic so they will more than likely have more trouble focusing than high schoolers.
3. I mean it's not too surprising. English is one of the core subjects that requires support from your peers and an educated teacher so that they can give you their input,
4. I think as a student we have a lot of responsibility in adapting to our new environment but we cannot do it alone without the support of the school.
5. The parent does not have a big role in assisting the student in online school since many parents are working during this time and all the parents can really do is give you space and time to work.
6. The school has the second most or first most responsibility when it comes to helping students adapt because a lot of students cannot afford the technology necessary to do online learning and it must also deal with the technical issues of coordinating a whole new system.
7. A child/student needs structure to prosper but it also needs something new sometimes. I conclude that without structure we are a lot more stressed and feeling of being overwhelmed are right around the corner.
8. You have to answer this one because I am not you.
9. I believe not having enough time to do assignments has a big role in students not completing assignments because students have responsibilities as well be it taking care of a sibling, chores, and even a job. Being distracted also contributes to this, we as students sometimes have a short attention span and we need something to keep us concentrated and quite honestly, online school isn't providing that.
10. No it is not realistic, you cannot compare two different systems and see which one performed better because we obviously know which year had a better performance and that was last year's. This year we are in a completely new and different learning environment that has brought new challenges that not everyone can adapt to.