these are questions from “a christmas carol” quiz that i have. does anyone know the answers? thanks!

1. F void → total emptiness
2. D specter → a ghost
3. I destitute → extremely poor
4. E implored → asked or begged
5. B blemish → defect or scar
6. C misanthrope → a person who hates everyone
7. H ponderous → very heavy, weighty
8. G morose → gloomy; cheerless
9. A trifle → something of little value
10. M severe → harsh
11. O dispelled → scattered and driven away
12. J meager → deficient in quality; scanty
13. N compulsion → a driving force
14. L audible → loud enough to be heard
15. P astonish → amaze
16. Q threadbare → worn, shabby
17. K gnarled → knotty and twisted
I have been able to match the words in the left of the excerpt to their meanings.