Read the following excerpt from an article about etiquette.

To a great extent, the art of writing thank-you notes has surrendered to impersonal forms of technology. However, the effect of a handwritten note simply cannot be duplicated by a tactless e-mail or a hurried phone call. A written thank-you note shows the care and the effort put forth by the writer because a note requires thought as well as time. Writing a note demonstrates that the gift recipient appreciates the giver's thoughtfulness. In contrast, an e-mail or a phone call may be more convenient for the gift recipient, but these methods do not show the same level of consideration and appreciation as a thank-you note. Both methods lack the attention that a gift—no matter its size—properly deserves. Therefore, a handwritten thank-you note is able to convey gratitude that far exceeds hasty technology.

In the article, the writer's diction
communicates the author's frustration and despair in how people choose to correspond with one another.
stresses the extreme importance of saying thank-you for gifts that come in any size or manner to a person.
expresses how effective conveying sincere gratitude and appreciation toward another person can be.
shows the contrast between her perception of handwritten thank-you notes and technological forms of thank-you.

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