If anyone is having probloms with family for friends, I want to tell you something! Yes!!!! I totally understand I have probloms and a messed up relashionship with my dad and my ´´friends´´ and yeah but I understand it is kinda like a razor for example you cut yourself and you do not feel the pain at first but it comes later and just like how we make mistakes we do not think it will effect anything at first but then the pain comes from what you did wrong later, but I feel I deserve the pain??? And there for do NOT build your life on friends because it is an unstable foundation. And people will change, YOU will change! BUT another thing is that I act like everything is fine, I do and act silly with my friends and all that but it is funny when I come back home i just switch, then suddenly break down I cant describe how i feel in words it is like i have wo different me´s. I feel like i am in this constant state of to much and not enough and i am always either overwhelmed or not enough? Like where did we all go wrong? but i want to keep talking about this can we talk on insta? This is mine lillyn2307

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i need this...thank you soo much  


me i dont bean care if i died right now

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