Someone help me with this ASAP

3. 1/2
6. 56
8. 500
Step-by-step explanation:
3. There are 9 white socks. All other socks are non-white socks. 8 + 3 + 7 = 18
This means that there are 9 white socks to 18 non - white socks or 9:18 or 9/18. BUT, you can reduce it. You can say for every 1 white sock, there is 2 non-white socks. So, it is 1:2 or 1 to 2 or 1/2. They only listed fractions which means it is 1/2.
6. So, I think its easier to put it into a fraction like this:
7 ?
------ -------
8 64
This means there is 7 men for every 8 female people. How did 8 go to 64? x8. What you have to do with the denominator you have to do with the numerator. 7 x 8 = 56
7 56
------ = -------
8 64
So, the answer is 56.
8. Let's put it into a fraction again:
20 40
------ -------
250 ?
This means for every 20 feet you need 250 bricks. How did 20 go to 40? x2. What you have to do with the denominator you have to do with the numerator. 250 X 2 = 500
20 40
------ = -------
250 500
So, the answer is 500.