Answer...plss,thank you

1) .9
2) 2.35
3) .051
4) 7.6
5) .02
6) .22222222 (infinite 2's repeating), can also be written as .2 with a straight line over it
7) .13131313 (infinite 13's repeating), can also be written as .13 with a straight line over them
8) .125125125125 (infinite 125's repeating), can also be written as .125 with a straight line over them
9) 1.1111111111 (infinite 1's), can also be written as 1.1 with a straight line over them
write fraction into calculator and you will get these, it is just a different way of writing the fractions
For the independent activity:
Commutative: (-4 + 3) = (3 + -4), when adding in parentheses, it does not matter which number is listed first, you will get the same answer if the numbers inside are the same
Distributive: 6(1+2)= 6(1) +6(2) When you are multiplying something by two numbers being added in parentheses, it is the same as multiplying the number outside by each of the numbers inside separately, then adding the answers together
Inverse: 12+( -12)=0, Any negative number added to its exact opposite positive value will cancel out as zero
Identity: -8 x 1=-8, Any number times 1 is just the original number
Associative: (10 + 4)-6=10 + (4-6), When adding and subtracting numbers, the order does not matter as you have the same values on both side
Identity: 5+0=5, anything plus zero is itself
Commutative: 7x2=2x7, when multiplying two numbers, the order they are listed in does not matter because you will get the same answer
Associative: 4x(5x3)=(3x5)x4, Since what is in parentheses is done first because of the order of operations(PEMDAS), you are using the commutative property in the parentheses. Once you have matching values on both sides inside the parentheses, you are using the commutative property again, because 4x15=15x4
Closure: 13-4=9, When you take away 4 from 13, you are left with 9
Inverse: 18* 1/18= 1, Any number times one over itself, you are left with the answer one