Yes, sir, good evening. I would like a cup of colored wine, please. And for my wife... she would like to drink a glass of cold tea, please. With lime, please, but on the side, please, very good. Um, I would like to start with a salad. A salad with tomatoes, cucumber, and artichoke please. And please don't put onion, I don't like it. And for my wife the same, the same type of salad. And the main dish I would like rice with chicken. But a rice with chicken very rich, please. And also, um, some... some tortillas and some beans to accompany the rice with chicken because they tell me that in this restaurant the rice with chicken is the best in the city. Very good. And for dessert I would please like a flan. You don't have flan? It can't be! Well then, why is this restaurant famous for its flan. Repeat please, rice with milk? Oh of course! I love rice with milk: for me and for my wife, with much pleasure. And clearly to accompany the rice with milk I would like a coffee. For my lady, a rice... a regular coffee, but for me decaffeinated please with a little bit of milk on the side. Thank you very much, very very much. Very kind. :)