Respuesta :
This question is about the article "Join or Die" written by Benjamin Franklin.
All French colonies serve a single government direction and all French colonies work as a unit and pursuing the same objective. The Anglo-American colonies, on the other hand, each had a way of governing themselves, did not work with unity and each followed its own objective.
Benjamin Franklin claims that the French were better able to protect themselves than Anglo-Americans. He said this because the French established their colonies with the same governmental base and what was established in one colony was followed by the others, as a unit that remained united and strong. The same cannot be said for Anglo-American colonies, where each acted individually, without promoting mutual protection and ordering.
Franklin said, "The confidence of the French in this seems well-grounded on the present sisunited State od the British Colonies, and the extreme Difficulty of bringing so many different Governments and Assemblies to agree in any sprrdy and effectual Measures for our common Defence and Security; while ours enemies have the very great Advantage of being under onde Direction, with one council, and one Purse."