Respuesta :
Answer: Finding a job that matches your skill and interest.
This is very important and it majorly one of the key things to consider when applying for jobs. Sometimes, desperation makes people take any job without thinking if they like the job or not and this is bad as it will hinder the success of such person in the firm.
A typical example of this is applying for a job that requires proficiency in microsoft office packages and you literally have no knowledge but you only applied considering the Positive outlook of the firm, they are no two ways about this, you'd perform woefully if being asked simply because you don't possess the skill.
Finding a job that matches your skills and interest tends to make the job more enjoyable as you will be more motivated to keep the job and will find great pleasure in carrying out the task given. It also aids your career development as well, according to the saying practice makes perfect, doing what you love will continually help you to grow and develop yourself in your chosen field.