Starfish Regrowth

If a starfish's arm is removed along with part of the center of the body. A whole new starfish can form from that broken piece. The amputated (cut off) starfish can also regenerate a new arm to replace the lost limb. Because two starfish are now formed from one, they will have identical chromosomes. If you see a starfish that has some arms significantly longer than the rest, this is a sign the animal has regenerated (regrow) some of its limbs.

Fill in the blanks below to make the statement accurate (true).

The starfish in this scenario that created a new starfish underwent _______________ reproduction. The quote from the article that identifies this is ___________________________.

A. asexual ; “identical chromosomes”

B. sexual ; “identical chromosomes”

C. asexual ; “regenerated some of its limbs”

Respuesta :


A) Asexual reproduction; "identical chromosmes"
