you have learned about three religions of colonies. move each tile into the correct box based on what you have learned.

New England Colonies
In the New England Colonies, the Puritans who were mainly from England, Ireland, and Scotland, settled in other to escape religious persecution.
They occupied small villages and operated virtually free of the control of the English Crown. This enabled them to elect their own Governors as opposed to the other regions that had their Governors appointed from London.
Middle Colonies
The middle colonies were populated by people of all sorts of Christian denominations such as the Quakers, the Mennonites, the Lutherans and even the Dutch Calvinists.
With their rivers for easy transport and farms producing lots of tradable produce, the Middle Colonies became centres of trade especially the colonies of New York and New Jersey.
Southern Colonies
The House of Burgesses was the first democratically legislative house in the United states and they met in the colony of Virginia which was in the Southern Colonies.
The main economy was from cash crops such as tobacco and cotton that require plantation farming. For this reason the Southern Colonies became plantation based economies where a social class system was practised.