In which two sentences do the words in parenthesis represent prepositional phrases? -(The man in the house) seemed to be asleep. -The soldiers crept cautiously (through the tunnel.) -(Having been washed,) Jim's dog seemed a little smaller than before. -(Their faces brightening), they thanked us for our offer. -I was informed that the bus would arrive (in 45 minutes.)

Respuesta :

The answers are -The soldiers crept cautiously (through the tunnel.) -I was informed that the bus would arrive (in 45 minutes.)


The sections "through the tunnel" and "in 45 minutes" begin with a preposition, which are words such as in, on, under, through, out, etc., and the preposition is followed by a noun, which is known as the object of the preposition. These two elements are the basic elements that compose a prepositional phrases. Moreover, these two sections modify the verb of the sentence, which is a function of prepositional phrases, in the case of the first sentence the prepositional phrase describes the action of "crept", while the second section describes in time the action of "arrive".

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