Properties of Water Lab Report

Instructions: Choose a property of water and design an experiment to test the property. Use the following lab template to ensure all lab report components are included.


Identify the purpose of your investigation or the question you are attempting to answer. Be sure to tie in the property of water you are testing.

Safety Notes:
Always have parent(s) or guardian(s) permission and supervision when performing a lab activity at home.
Wear proper protective clothing and eyewear when needed.
Be sure to dispose of all materials properly.
Always wash your hands carefully after touching anything in a lab investigation.

Independent Variable:
Dependent Variable:
Controlled Variable:


The procedure should be clear and detailed so that others can repeat it. The details should be specific in how the procedure changes the independent variable, controls all variables that need to be controlled, and observes or measures the resulting changes to the dependent variable.

Data and Observations:
Present all data and observations in a neat and organized manner. Include tables and graphs where appropriate/possible.

Be sure to answer the following reflection questions as a summary in the conclusion of your lab report:
Was your hypothesis correct? Why or why not?
What were the results of your experiment?
What changes would you make if you were to repeat the experiment?

Using what you have learned in the lesson and the experiment, answer the following question in complete sentences.
Analyze the property of water you investigated and provide some real-world applications of the importance of this property of water.

Respuesta :


Hypothesis: I think the penny will hold more droplets plain water because adding soap to the water will disrupt surface tension

Independent variable: Penny and water dropper

Dependent variable: plain water

Independent variable:soapy water

Hope this helped