Which statement correctly describes how a bar magnet should be placed on a globe to correctly align with Earth's magnetic field?

The answer is B. When the magnet is placed on a globe to correctly align with Earth’s magnetic field, it is considered to be suspended freely. The Earth has geographical poles as well with North and South poles. Since unlike poles attract, the South Pole of the magnet will be attracted to the geographical North.
B)Place the magnet vertically on the equator, with the south end facing the North pole.
A bar magnet is a square piece of an item, made from iron, metal, or every other ferromagnetic substance or ferromagnetic composite, that indicates everlasting magnetic homes. It has two poles, a north and a south pole such that when suspended freely, the magnet aligns itself so that the northern pole factors towards the magnetic north pole of the earth.
Learn more about bar magnet here: https://brainly.com/question/18742643