Growth hormone and insulin are protein hormones that regulate carbohydrate metabolism by hepatocytes (liver cells) through the activation of intracellular signaling pathways. Researchers investigated whether the two hormones trigger the same or different intracellular signaling pathways in hepatocytes. The researchers added either growth hormone or insulin to parallel cultures of hepatocytes. At several time points after the hormone addition, they purified total intracellular protein from the cells and quantified the level of the phosphorylated forms of two proteins involved in two different signaling pathways (Figure 1, A and B)
(c) describe the hormone and signaling proteins combination that produce the greatest and most prolonged response. For the phosphorylated STAT5 response that reached 100% at 10 minutes in Figure 1A, calculate the rate of decrease (percent decrease per minute) in the detected level of phosphorylated STAT5 from 10 to 30 minutes.