A book review on any topic classes seven an above.

Title of the book: To Kill a Mockingbird
Author: Harper Lee
*Atticus Finch
*Boo Radley
*Jean Louise 'Scout' Finch
*Jem Finch
*Mayella Violet Ewell
*Dill Harris
*Maudie Atkinson
*Robert Ewell
*Alexandra Hancock
*Tom Robinson
Synopsis of the book: "It is a sin to kill a mockingbird" in other words, picking on people who are helpless and don't do harm is a terrible thing. Some of the mocking birds (which is a symbol in the book) in the novel are, Boo Radely and Tom Robinson. The theme also represents the racial injustice in the South.
Did you like the book? Why or why not? My favorite chapter in this great piece of American Literature has to be chapter 28. The reason for this being is because all the violence and action. There is an edge of mystery when trying to find out who could be following Jem and Scout. Prejudice and Racism still exists today in our society. It's as if the book, written in the 1960's. foreshadows our society today.
Theme/ Moral : Conflict between good and evil. The writer deals with the idea of good and evil by highlighting the transition of Jem and Scout from the perspective of innocence. They believe that people are good because they do not realize the evil side of human nature.