Respuesta :
See explaination for the details.
% Matlab file calculateMirrorMatrix.m
% Matlab function to return a matrix which should be input matrix mirrored
% on the vertical axis
% input is a matrix
% output is a matrix of same size as input matrix
function [mirrorMatrix] = calculateMirrorMatrix(inputMatrix)
mirrorMatrix = zeros(size(inputMatrix)); % create output matrix mirrorMatrix of same size as inputMatrix
fprintf('\n Input Matrix :\n');
disp(inputMatrix); % display the input matrix
[row,col] = size(inputMatrix); % row, col contains number of rows and columns of the inputMatrix
% loop to find the matrix which should be input matrix mirrored
for i = 1:row
mirrorIndex =1;
for j = col:-1:1
mirrorIndex=mirrorIndex + 1;
% end of matlab function
Please kindly check attachment for its output.

The function is an illustration of lists, arrays or matrices;
The elements (lists, arrays or matrices) are variables that hold multiple values
The function in Python
The function written in Python where comments are used to explain each action is as follows:
#This defines the function
def mirror(myMatrix):
#This initializes the rows and columns to 0
row = 0; col = 0
#This iterates through the rows of the matrix
for i in range(0,len(myMatrix)):
#This iterates through the columns of the matrix
for j in range(0,len(myMatrix[0])):
#This flips the elements and them
print(myMatrix[i][len(myMatrix[0])-j-1], end = " ")
#This increments the column by 1
#This resets the row and column
row+=1; col = 0
#This prints a new line
Read more about Python lists at: