Please help me with this this is my story down here
This story is about a time capsule being found by two Kidz in the year 2514. This story will also tell you what is inside of the time capsule. The story will also tell you how this changes the lives of the New York residents forever. At the meeting, the Kidz were able to get their canned rations for the day. After the Kidz left the meeting, they decided to take the dark alleyway to avoid being seen. They’ve been walking for 10 minutes when they heard a loud noise. It startled them and then they ran. As they made a turn Jake and Robert stumbled over something falling to the ground. Then, they got back up and looked back at what they tripped on. They saw that it was a titanium cylinder. On the cylinder, they saw the words he will prevail. That gave them some hope. So they took the cylinder to an abandoned building so they wouldn’t be seen. They twisted the titanium cylinder and the cap opened. They realized that it was a Time capsule because of the items that were inside of it. What they found inside of the Time capsule was a Time magazine dated March/15/2014. The magazine told them everything important that happened in 2014. There were also bags of different seeds. Each had a label to identify them so they could tell which seeds would create which plants. Robert and Jake were happy because the year 2462 New York was seriously damaged. A hurricane had created a flood and killed all the crops. They were far behind in repairs because some buildings were knocked over into other ones and all the buildings had lost power and water. Most of the people moved out of New York but some of them couldn’t afford to move so they had to stay. They could barely walk on the street because it was filled with trash and the buildings were nasty and smelled horrible. Since the flood, they've only had canned food to eat since it can last longer than regular cold food. They could take the seeds for themself and run away or they could share it with the group. They knew it was not a hard decision. Robert and Jake decided to plan a meeting and show everyone the Time capsule. When they shared what they have found with everyone, the people had the same reaction as Robert and Jake. They were all excited and hoped that they wouldn't have to eat canned food forever. They planted the seeds in a safe location where it had just enough shade and enough sun and they had plenty of water. This gave all of the people lots of encouragement, so they started to clean up New York. Everyone started to pick up the trash in the streets. They fixed the buildings and then sanitized them. Once they did that they were able to reopen the schools so kids were able to get taught again and this changed the lives of New Yorkers forever.

and this is what i need to do
Add adjectives and adverbs. Mark your new additions with an (Adj) or (Adv).
Make other revisions suggested in your Discussion-Based Assessment.
Write a reflection paragraph discussing changes you made during the revision process. Explain how you feel these changes improved your narrative.

Respuesta :

Possibly B because stating that it is inside