The United States once warned the triple entente what would come if such a document was set forth. The clairvoyance of this president was thought to be a mad ramble. how foolish they were the restrictions alone would start great strife. But the debt was simply the straw that broke the camel’s back. The German people enraged were drawn into a frenzy by a man said to be of the people. If only they saw the pain, he would bring on the world. Through there following of the green beast they would feast on the world around them to blinded by their fear to repent. The Allies eyes also blinded by fear would willingly engorge the green monster in a foolish attempt for peace. These great powers would soon see the Rhineland brought to power. The demon turned its eyes on to them. They see a free peaceful nation sliced in two and swing imaginary swords at the dark devourer. It took the death of a great and an attack on a far-off nation of the people for the creature to be recognized as a true cancer that must be cleansed and so began a warned war that took many and gave few back.
Don't start sentences with how or but. it needs commas. and some of them sound like incomplete sentences/ thoughts. Attach some of the sentences together.