
Quarantine Bible Trivia.
Paper 1

Who were these women?

1) I hung a red rope from my window.

2) I conspired with my husband to lie to the Holy Spirit.

3) I laughed at God's promise about bearing a child.

4) I was seen bathing by a king.

5) My husband and I were tent makers.

6) I was David’s great-grandmother.

7) I was deceived by a serpent.

8) God made me a leper for mocking my brother's wife.

9) I died after being pushed out of a window.

10) I won a beauty contest.​

Respuesta :

1. Rahab

2.  Sapphira

3.  Sarah

4. Bathsheba

5.  Priscilla


The story “Rahab and the Red Cord” is found in the book of Joshua chapter 2.  Rahab lowers the red cord to help the spies escape; the lowering of red cord symbolizes faith and obedience.

• Ananias and his wife Sapphira sell their property and keep some money for themselves.  When inquired about the same, they told lies, saying they did not keep any money for themselves.  The story found in Acts chapter 5  

• Found in the book of Genesis chapter 18, when Lord reveals that Sarah will bear a child, Sarah laughs, saying how can she bear a child when she is well advance in her age and has crossed the age of bearing a child.

• Found in 2 Samuel 11 chapter, when David woke up from sleep and was walking on the terrace, he sees Bathsheba taking bath and she was very beautiful.

• Mentioned in the book of Acts is the story of Aquila and Priscilla where they are mentioned as tent makers.


1) I hung a rope from my window:

Her name was Rahab. She was a lady-of-the-night in Jericho with whom two Israelites had camped on their mission to spy on the land. Unfortunately, the spies got spied on. The king of Jericho got to know about their presence and sent soldiers after them. Rahab, who came to the rescue of Israelite soldiers by hiding them was promised redemption when Jericho is judged. She was asked to hand a red rope from her window that she may be spared.

2) I conspired with my husband to lie to the Holy Spirit.

Her name was Saphirra. In the New Testament after Jesus had returned to heaven, the disciples and new converts began to live and dwell together sharing everything and living in one accord. However, after some business transaction, Saphirra convinced her husband that they should both under-declare the value of their proceeds so that they might keep some for themselves. When asked by Peter who was filled with the Holy Spirit, they both lied and got judged for it.

3) I laughed at God's promise about bearing a child.

Her name was Sarah. She was married to Abraham. Two angels had come to visit. They told Abraham that they would return when the seasons comes round again and that she'd be carrying her baby by that after about 9 decades of waiting. Sarah being very old over head and laughed at the thought. She didn't see her self being together with Abraham much less carrying a baby.

4) I was seen Bathing by a king

It was written that in the season when Kings went out to war, King David stayed behind. On the cool of the evening one day she (Beersheba) was bathing and the King taking a stroll on the balcony saw her and went after her leading to a series of undesirable events.

5) My husband and I were tent makers.

Their names are Aquila and Priscilla. The woman Priscilla.

Paul according Acts 18:3 lived and worked with them.

6) David's great-grandmother

Her name is Ruth. David was born to Jesse; Jesse’s father to Obed; Obed’s parents were born to Boaz and Ruth.

7) I was deceived by a Serpent

Her name was Eve. The first woman of all creation. The serpent tempted her with the very instruction God had left for she and Adam.

8) God made me a leper for mocking my brother's wife.

Her name was Miriam. She was the daughter of Amram, the leader of the Israelites in ancient Egypt, and of Jochebed; she was the sister of Aaron and Moses. God made her leperous her when she spoke against Moses' wife.


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