Can someone answer this math question

13 notepads were sold, and each at the price: $2.05
Step-by-step explanation:
Notice that in order to obtain a price per unit larger than $2 and at the same time smaller than $3, the total in sales $26.65 has to be divided by whole numbers between 9 and 13 inclusive. Any other whole number smaller than 9 will give a price per unit larger than $3. And any whole number larger than 13 will give a price per unit smaller than $2.
As we divide $26.65 by 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13, we obtain:
$26.65/9 = $2.9611111...
$26.65/10 = $2.665
$26.65/11 = $2.4227272...
$26.65/12 = $2.22083333...
$26.65/13 = $2.05
We notice then that the only quotient that gives a value representing exact cents (and not something smaller than a cent) is the last one (the division by 13).
This tells us that 13 notepads were sold at a price of $2.05 each