Respuesta :
Here is the Python program:
import random #to generate random numbers
low = 1 #lowest range of a guess
high = 100 #highest range of a guess
attempts=0 # no of attempts
def guess_number(low, high, attempts): #function for guessing a number
print("Guess a number between 1 and 100")
#prompts user to enter an integer between 1 to 100 as a guess
number = random.randint(low, high)
#return randoms digits from low to high
for _ in range(attempts): #loop to make guesses
guess = input("Enter a number: ") #prompts user to enter a guess
num = int(guess) #reads the input guess
if num == number: # if num is equal to the guess number
print('Congratulations! You guessed the right number!')
command= input("Do you want to play another game? ")
#asks user if he wants to play another game
if command=='Y': #if user enters Y
guess_number(low,high,attempts) #starts game again
elif command=='N': #if user types N
exit() #exits the program
elif num < number: #if user entered a no less than random no
print('Too low, Try Higher') # program prompts user to enter higher no
elif num > number: #if user entered a no greater than random no
print('Too high, Try Lower') # program prompts user to enter lower no
else: #if user enters anything else
print("You must enter a valid integer.")
#if user guessed wrong number till the given attempts
print("You failed to guess the number correctly in {attempts} attempts.".format(attempts=attempts))
exit() # program exits
The program has a function guess_number which takes three parameters, high and low are the range set for the user to enter the number in this range and attempts is the number of tries given to the user to guess the number.
random.randint() generates integers in a given range, here the range is specified i.e from 1 to 100. So it generates random number from this range.
For loop keeps asking the user to make attempts in guessing a number and the number of tries the user is given is specified in the attempts variable.
If the number entered by the user is equal to the random number then this message is displayed: Congratulations! You guessed the right number! Then the user is asked if he wants to play one more time and if he types Y the game starts again but if he types N then the exit() function exits the game.
If the number entered as guess is higher than the random number then this message is displayed Too high, Try Lower and if the number entered as guess is lower than the random number then this message is displayed Too low, Try Higher.
If the user fails to guess the number in given attempts then the following message is displayed and program ends. You failed to guess the number correctly in {attempts} attempts.
You can call this function in main by passing value to this function to see the output on the screen.
guess_number(1, 100, 5)
The output is shown in screenshot attached.