Respuesta :
The ratio of ladies giving multiple birth to total number of women for any race will be the same.
Ratio of white women giving multiple births = 94 / 3132 = 0.0300
Ratio of black women giving multiple births = 20 / 606 = 0.0330
There is no racial difference in the likelihood of multiple births. Although we do see a difference in the ratios calculated above, the difference is small enough to be due to sample size difference of white and black women. The smaller number of total black women makes the ratio calculated from this sample have a higher probability to deviate from what is expected. This deviation will account for the difference in probability between both races.
We can see the effects of this small sample size by increasing or decreases the numerator by 1 for black women:
21 / 606 = 0.0347
19 / 606 = 0.0313
This change in the data of one woman produces a very large percentage change in our ratio for black women (5%). Thus despite inaccuracy due to small sample size, our hypothesis is correct.