I need help in bio it’s due tomorrow pleaseee

1. A
2. I
3. Sorry I am not sure.
4. I
1. ATP has 3 phosphate groups, T = tri aka three.
2. ATP has 3 phosphate groups and turns into ADP which as two phosphate groups because when it loses one phosphate, it releases energy.
4. Passive transport does not require energy because when it passes through the cell membrane it is going with the concentration, it goes from high to low concentration. Active Transport requires energy because it is going against the concentration, low to high, so it needs energy to go from low to high concentration.
1) A
2) I
3) C
4) I
Explanation: ATP is adenosine triphosphate. It has three phosphate groups attached to the 5th carbon atom of the ribose sugar. ATP contains adenine (a base), a ribose sugar and three phosphate groups.
ATP break down is an exergonic reaction in which the terminal phosphate group of ATP is cleaved to produce ADP and inorganic phosphate group (Pi) with the concomitant release of energy.
Cellular respiration involves the break down of a glucose molecules in the presence of oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, water as by-products with release of energy in form of ATP. The chemical energy in form of ATP released in cellular respiration is used to drive other cellular functions.
Passive transport is a process by which polar compounds and ions move across membrane through an alternative path created by membrane proteins. In passive transport, the transported species always move down its electrochemical gradient and does not require ATP expenditure. This means that passive transport is not coupled to ATP breakdown or does not occur at the expense of ATP hence the name passive transport. It is different from active transport which is coupled to ATP breakdown.