Respuesta :
Step-by-step explanation:
The objective is to test if the number of miles driven and the number of calls made affects the amount earned in sales commissions in one month by a sales representative.
Y: The amount earned in commissions last month
X₁: The number of sales calls made last month
X₂: The number of miles driven last month
Develop a regression equation including an interaction term. Is there a significant interaction between the number of sales calls and the miles driven?
The linear regression model with more than one explanatory variable is:
E(Y)= α + β₁X₁ + β₂X₂ +...+ βkXk where k= number of explanatory variables.
For this sample of 25 sales representatives you have two explanatory variables so your model will be:
E(Y)= α + β₁X₁ + β₂X₂
To estimate the regression plane you have to estimate the intercept (α) and both slopes (β₁ and ₂)
α⇒ a= -101.31
β₁⇒ b₁= 0.63
β₂⇒ b₂= 15.69
I've run the data using a statics software to estimate the parameters.
The estimated regression plane is:
Yi= -101.31 + 0.63X₁ + 15.69X₂
$ -101.31 is the estimated average commission's earnings of the representatives when the miles were driven and the number of sales calls is zero.
0.63calls/$ is the modification of the estimated average commission's earnings of the representatives when the number of calls increases one unit and the miles are driven remain constant.
15.69miles/$ is the modification of the estimated average commission's earnings of the representatives when the miles driven increases one unit and the number of sales calls remains constant.
The coefficient of determination for the multiple linear regression is:
R²= 0.84
This means that 84% of the variability of the commission's earnings of the sales representatives are explained by the miles driven and the number of sales calls made per month, for the estimated model Yi= -101.31 + 0.63X₁ + 15.69X₂.
The coefficient of determination takes values from 0% to 100%, the closer it is to 100% the stronger is the relationship between the variables. So judging by the value obtained, the regression seems strong, however, this coefficient is a sample measurement and isn't enough to conclude there is a significant interaction between the variables. To reach that kind of conclusion you need to make a hypothesis test.
The statistical hypotheses for the multiple linear regression are:
H₀: β₁ = β₂ = 0
H₁: One of the βi ≠ 0 ∀i= 1, 2
α: 0.05
The way to test these hypotheses is by applying an ANOVA for the variables. The test statistic is the Snedecor's F and it is always one-tailed to the right, meaning that you will reject the null hypothesis to high values of F.
[tex]F= \frac{MSReg}{MSError} ~F_{DFreg;DFerror}[/tex]
[tex]F= \frac{1033.96}{18.54}= 55.78[/tex]
The p-value of the test is <0.0001
When you compare it to the significance level, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. Then there is significant interaction between the variables.
I hope it helps!