
Please Help!!!!! I have 2 questions
abate \ə-ˈbāt\ v. 1. to reduce or lessen in intensity or value; 2. to put an end to; 3. to deduct or omit; 4. to remove or cut away, as in a carving. –abater n., abatable adj. 1300–1350; Middle French

Which definition in the entry best states the meaning of the word abate in this sentence?

The meteorologist predicted that the storm will abate shortly after midnight and be completely over a few hours later.

definition 1

definition 2

definition 3

definition 4

robust \rō-ˈbəst, ˈrō-(ˌ)bəst\ adj. 1. strong and healthy; hardy; 2. strongly built; 3. requiring bodily strength or endurance; 4. effective in all or most situations. –robustly adv., robustness n. 1540–1550;

Which definition in the entry best clarifies the precise meaning of the word robust in this sentence?

The personal trainer developed a new exercise routine that proved to be too robust for her clients.

definition 1

definition 2

definition 3

definition 4

Respuesta :


The answer for the first one is Definition #1

The answer for the second one is Definition #4

Def 4 I’m pretty sure sorry if not