Please complete this for me. And please search a poem which is on top. Please do it for me I really appreciate it

1. As I reflect on my own experiences, I feel these lines seem most suitable to me.
“If children live with praise…. Learn appreciation” and “If children... acceptance, they… love”
2. The main idea contained in the poem is to make people aware of their children learning their virtues.
3. The main message is for prospective parents regarding the environment that they must yearn to provide to their children. The environment provided to the children since his early days is very crucial in shaping his outlook towards the world and the development of his thought process.
The poem mentions that if the children at their tender age encounter praise, they learn to respect appreciation where-as when they face a hostile environment at a small age, they develop a fighting behaviour.
4. We can validate the contents of the poem with our own experience. It was the tenderness, warmth of relationship and acceptance that taught us love and made us do it. These examples are just a sample amongst countless other examples.
It would not do any good to suspend our judgement and activity following this poem. The activities mentioned in the poem are just moral goods which won't harm anyone to the least. Hence it would highly be advisable these qualities to provide a congenial environment to grow and learn from their parents.