The Holy Land is important to Europeans because it is where Jesus lived his life and it is associated with the beginnings of Christianity. For Muslims it is important because the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem is the third most important holy site after Mecca and Medina. It was also a symbol of successful Muslim expansion in the Middle East against the Christians.
The "Holy Land" is important to various world religions including Christianity, Islam and Judaism. It usually refers to the area that roughly corresponds to the modern State of Israel and the Palestinian territories, but also western Jordan, and parts of in the south of Lebanon and southwestern Syria. For the Christians or Europeans, the Holy Land was important because it is the birthplace of Christianity and because it is associated with the life of Jesus who is the Christian savior. There Jesus was born, and ministered about the faith, he was crucified and resurrected there as well.
For Muslims, Jerusalem is important because it is considered a sacred place like Mecca and Medina. There are Islamic traditions that are associated with Jerusalem and it is said that Muhammad visited Jerusalem on a nocturnal journey. The Al-Aqsa mosque is the third holiest site in the world for Muslims and it is located in Jerusalem. The Holy Land became a target for Muslim expansion in three historical moments: In 638 CE by the Muslim caliph Umar; Ayybiud rule in the late 12th century; then Mamluk Jerusalem 1250 - 1516 AD and early Ottoman rule.