Summarize young adulthood in your own words based off the info

When we become adult there are many things which we find changes both mentally, physiologically and environmentally. We start finding new roles in our life that what we can do, what our passions are, we basically complete our college and university degrees, then afterwards we have to enter into practical life. We start thinking that we are on the right track of our life and we are going to enter in the right profession a the very right time. We are very much physically strong as well, we are at the peak of our strength. We also start thinking that we have follow the footprints of our parents as well. In US it is mostly practiced that we want to get independent from our parents, we want to take the responsibility of our life and want to make our decisions by ourselves. After following some profession that in late 30s, we sometime start questioning ourselves that what am I doing, where I am going and heading towards, because we start assigning meanings to things. Women in their 30s also start wondering that they need to take charge of their life. We spend very less time with our families because we want to grow our careers, sometimes particularity, women think that they must sacrifice their family life in order for the advancement in their careers, same in is the case with men, they also cant give much time to their families when they are young.