Respuesta :
To do this, you will need some sets of symbols:
an oval to represent start and stop, parallelogram for input, a diamond for decision, and an arrow for direction of flow. a rectangle for process.
Start by drawing the oval you write "start inside it"
Give some space and draw two parallelogram with space between them also.
Draw a diamond below the parallelogram, with space between them also
Draw a rectangle on the far left of the diamond and just below the rectangle, give some space and draw a parallelogram.
Draw a rectangle on the far right of the diamond and just below the rectangle, given some space and draw a parallelogram.
Draw an arrow with its tail end starting from oval and pointing to the first parallelogram. Then another arrow pointing from the first parallelogram to the second. draw another arrow from the second parallelogram to the diamond, with the arrow pointing to the diamond. Draw another arrow with the tail end starting from the left of the diamond and all the way pointing to the rectangle on the far left. draw and arrow to connect from this rectangle to the parallelogram below it, with the tail end starting from the rectangle.
repeat the process also to the rectangle and parallelogram on the far right. With the tail end of the arrow also starting on the right of the diamond and connecting to the rectangle and another arrow starting at the rectangle and terminating on the parallelogram.
Give some space and then draw another oval below the diamond symbol.
Then draw arrow starting from the parallelogram on the right and terminating at the oval below them. Repeat same process for the parallelogram on the left, with the tail end of the arrow starting at the parallelogram then terminating at the oval below it.
inside the first oval, we write "start"
inside the first parallelogram you write "read a or input a" (this is to accept the first number)
inside the second parallelogram you write "read b or input b" (this is to accept the second number)
inside the diamond you write "if a < b" (this means we are comparing our two input to find the lesser one.
On the arrow pointing to the right of the diamond, you write "Yes" and on the one pointing left you write "No". the yes and no are used to compare a statement if its true or not.
inside the far right rectangle, you write "Asq = a * a" and below it you can write the statement fro the second letter "Bsq = b *b". both of this statements are used to find the square of both numbers
inside the parallelogram on the far right, you write "Print Asq, Bsq". This is to print the square of a and b.
inside the far left rectangle you write " Acube = a*a*a" below it we can do for b also which is "Bcube = b*b*b". this statements is for processing the cube of a and b respectively.
the inside the parallelogram on the far left you write "print Acube, Bcube". This statement prints out the cube of a and b.
Note: separate rectangle as well as parallelogram can be used for the processing and the printing of each number.
Inside the last oval you write "stop"