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Holding small items, eating, writing, etc. ;Running, jumping and crawling.


Motor skills are the actions in which baby involves use of their muscles.

Fine motor skill denotes to smaller action which occur in hands, wrists, feet, fingers and toes. It also involves the coordination of hands and fingers with the eyes, tasting and feeling of object by baby is also an example of fine motor skills.

Gross motor skills is when baby makes larger movement with their feet, arms, legs and entire body, for example, jumping, crawling, running,etc. this skill develops in head-to-toe order under which children first learn about head control then stability and then standing up and walking.

Writing is an example of a fine motor skill, while Walking is an example of a gross motor skill.

Motor skills are skills that enable the movements and tasks we do every day. Fine motor skills are those that require a high degree of control and precision in the small muscles of the hand (such as using a fork). Gross motor skills use the large muscles in the body to allow for balance, coordination, reaction time, and physical strength so that we can do bigger movements, such as walking and jumping.

Motor skills enable the movements children need for everyday tasks, from feeding themselves to moving from place to place. Typically, children develop certain motor skills at specific ages, but not every child will reach milestones at precisely the same time.

To know more about motor skills


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