Answer: Migrant issue
Canada could accommodate a certain number of refugees in a certain capacity. Of course, provided that the identity and history of these persons are verified, given that there is a possibility that the former are members of one of the terrorist organizations. Such a move would be ethical and moral.
The benefits that Canadian society might have in this case are certainly economic. Migrants are mostly young people, so they could fill the shortage of jobs. Also, the influx of young migrants would improve the birth rate in the country.
The consequences of not responding to the migration crisis are different. An example is the disruption of bilateral relations between countries, as is the case in Europe. There was a problem of crossing borders globally, even to non-migrant people. A more extreme variant is the creation of poverty, which can result in the creation of various forms of extremism, disease, epidemics.
The migrant crisis can only be solved by opening borders, but with strict control of persons entering the country. There are many positive examples where migrants have implemented themselves well in society and accepted the laws of their countries of origin. One example is the Scandinavian countries that received huge numbers of migrants from war-torn Yugoslavia after the war. Canada is also a good example of a huge population of non-Canadians originally part of society.