Place the following words into the illustration below: Gametes, sporophyte, gametophyte, and zygote. Explain each step (arrow) in the cycle, and how the terms are related.

1. gametophyte
2. gamete
3. zygote
4. sporophyte
The life cycle of ferns has two systems for reproduction. Each system is known as one generation. The life cycle of ferns is an alteration of these generations.
1. sporophyte generation (release spores - diploid )
2. gametophyte generation (release gametes - haploid)
In genetics, diploid cells receive two sets of the chromosome from male and female parents. A haploid cell has only one set of chromosomes.
Spores grow on the surface of mature fern leaves. The haploid spores give rise to gametophytes. The gametophyte produces gametes within multicellular structures by the process of mitosis. The fusion of male and female gametes to form a diploid zygote under fertilization. The development of the zygote gives rise to a diploid sporophyte. Within the sporophyte, spores will be formed by meiosis.