2 Work in pairs. Identify the events in the story.
Put them in chronological order.
"I can't move," cried Rowan, my foot's caught
in something - it's really painful!" Chris
knew that Rowan was struggling. He had
been moaning all day about his sore feet
and they had only covered a mile in the last
half hour. Chris was tired too from trudging
through the thick jungle, but was eager to
get back to the camp before it got dark. They
weren't camying many supplies with them
and neither had eaten anything for at least
three hours. "It's probably just a thorn bush or
something," he said encouragingly, walleing
back slowly to see what the problem was.
"Reach down and try to free your foot." But
as he got nearer, he could see that it wasn't
a bush that had caught Rowan but a metal
animal trap which had clamped itself firmly
to his right ankle.

Respuesta :

I don’t know this one