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The following is a dialogue between a nurse and patient on the symptoms of dengue.


Patient: If you could please tell me, Nurse Holmes, more about dengue and how it is transmitted because there have been a few people in my neighborhood who have come down with it.

Nurse Holmes: Yes, dengue is a concern and for some patients it can become quite serious.  

Patient: What are the symptoms of dengue?  

Nurse Holmes: Well, the Center for Disease Control in the United States says that only 1 in 4 people who are infected with the dengue virus will get sick, and it is usually just a mild or moderate case that patients can take care of themselves with plenty of rest and fluids. The symptoms of mild or moderate dengue are aches and pains, especially eye pain, rash, plus nausea and vomiting in some cases.

Patient: I have heard some scary stories about cases of severe illness with dramatic symptoms.

Nurse Holmes: That is right. The CDC says that 1 in 20 dengue sufferers develop a serious illness with acute symptoms that can include internal bleeding. These symptoms are dangerous and require emergency medical attention.  

Patient: How is it transmitted? Everyone always talks about having to control mosquitos.  

Nurse Holmes: Yes, it seems the dengue virus is spread by the bite of a particular kind of mosquito called the Aedes species (Ae. egypti or Ae. albopictus). These species also spread other serious infections like the Zika and chikungunya viruses.

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