Tug of War Activity

DIRECTIONS: Use the information provided about the first two rounds to figure out who will win the remaining rounds of the Tug of War.

Round 1:

On one side of the rope, there are four acrobats who all have equal strength. On the other side are five grandmas who each have equal strength as well. The result of the tug of war is dead even-- it’s a perfect tie.

Round 2:

On one side is Ivan the dog. On the other side are two grandmas and one acrobat. Again, it is dead even-- a perfect tie.

Round 3:

Three grandmas and Ivan are pulling against four acrobats. Which team wins? Justify your answer with at least 2 sentences.

Round 4:

Ivan and three acrobats are matched up against a team of grandmas. The result is a tie-- the two sides are evenly matched. How many grandmas were on the team? Explain your reasoning.

Bonus Round 5:

Create two teams of your choice in Round 5 that are not equally matched. Use Ivan and at least one acrobat and one grandma on either team. Explain which side will win and how you know.

Respuesta :


Round 3 the grandmas

Step-by-step explanation: