3. What is the parallel minor of D major?
a. B minor
b. D minor
c. F minor
d. G minor
4. Which minor scale has a raised seventh degree when ascending and descending?
a. natural minor
b. melodic minor
c. harmonic minor
d. chromatic minor
5. The most conclusive-sounding cadence, often found at the end of a piece, is a(n)
a. deceptive cadence
b. plagal cadence
c. half cadence
d authentic cadence
6. The chord progression of a plagal cadence is
a. IV-vi
b. IV-I
c. I-V
d. V^7-I
7. A major third stacked on top of a minor forms a(n) ________ triad.
a. major
b. minor
c. augmented
d. diminished
8. A major triad is formed by stacking
a. a major third on top of a nor third
b. a major third on top of a major third
c. a minor third on top of a minor
d. a minor third on top of a major third
9. What kind of interval os this?
a. perfect fourth
b. major third
c. major fourth
d. minor third
10. What note would you add to make this F-minor triad?
a. A
b. D
c. Ab
d. Db
11. Adding an A on the second space, directly above the F, would make this chord a
a. root-position triad
b. first-inversion triad
c. second-inversion triad
d. third-inversion triad
12. F is subdominant in which key?
a. F minor
b. Eb minor
c. C major
d. Ab major