Andrew's mother knew something about planning since she was, in fact, a financial planner-a person who helps others to plan the best way they can manage their money. She explained that financial planning is common sense, like good nutrition in that there's nothing wrong with driving a nice SUV just like there's nothing wrong with having potato chips and colas, as long as you do it in moderation, as part of a somewhat balanced plan or diet. She added that people are unlikely to get a heart attack from an occasional bowl of potato chips and are equally unlikely to be driven into bankruptcy if they use their credit cards in moderation. However, she concluded, a constant diet of chips or credit cards could be hazardous to one's physical or financial health.

Joey asked how much was too much and Andrew's mom answered that the amount could only be determined as part of a person's lifetime financial plan. "Nearly everybody has some sort of plan in their mind, even though they don't know that they have a plan. Otherwise, they'd spend everything they have the moment they got it."

Why does Andrew's mother say that most people have a lifetime financial plan even though they don't know it?

A. Most people have been through bankruptcy and have their plans decided by the courts.
B. You must do a financial plan to get into college.
C. Most people have been to a professional financial planner.
D. Most people have some idea of what they want their lives to be and this helps regulate their spending and saving.

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