Please associate the verb forms in column A to the sentences in column B.

All the verbs are conjugated in present tense, 2nd pers. plural
A- buvons = verb "boire" (drink) 3rd group
Nous buvons souvent du vin rouge. Nous n'aimons pas trop le vin blanc.
We often drink red wine. We don't really like white wine.
B- recevons = verb "recevoir" (to get, to receive) 3rd group
Nous ne recevons jamais de lettres de notre fils. Il ****écrire.
I cannot write the verb ****
We never get letters from our son. he hates writing.
this sentence in in a negative form. Ne + verb + jamais.
C- devons = verb "devoir" (must, have to) 3rd group
Nous devons partir ********
We must leave on time. We are too often late.
Notice that "devons" is followed by another verb which is infinitive. RULE = when 2 verbs are following, the second one is infinitive
D- finissons = verb "finir" (finish) 2 nd group
Nous finissons de manger et nous allons au lit. Nous sommes très fatigués.
We finish eating and we go to bed. We are very tired.
E- maigrissons = verb "maigrir" (loose weight) 2nd group
Nous maigrissons parce que nous mangeons peu et nous faisons du sport.
We are loosing weigh because we don't eat much (we eat little word-for-word in French) and we are doing sport .
sorry, it took me a long time because lots of words couldn't be saved => inappropriate words or links .... so I didn't write them and replaced by ******
hope this helps anyway ☺☺☺