Find five things that are the same in the two pictures, and five diferences between them.

there are people exercising, trees, the backdrop is the same in both, there is the same amount of people in both pics, bottom right section is empty.
the exercising, there are more couples in pic one, the biker in pic one, the mats people are exercising on in pic one, the person on the bench
1. the couple walking on the right side of the center image
2. the tree on the upper left side of the center image
3. the bush in the lower left end of the center image
4. the lights in the far right image
5. the bush and light in the far bottom left image
1. picture two has a man playing soccer in the upper left image while picture two has a man playing soccer
2. picture one has a man doing exercises on a mat in the upper right corner image, while picture two has no mat.
3. The center image in picture one depicts people doing yoga, while picture two shows people practicing martial arts.
4. In picture 1, the far bottom right image has a person walking their dog while picture two has someone practicing yoga
5. Beneath the top image in picture one their are multiple people talking while in picture 2 there is a man running.