you," she friends get to knowjust like I told Niki, "they'll like you, too,my do. So why don't you sit friends and me at lunch tomorrow?Then everybody will see what you'relike Niki was very doubtful, but shewas tired of everyone thinking she wasa snob. So she reluctantly agreed tohave lunch with Vanessa and her friends.The next day, Vanessa and Niki waited in the cafeteria for vaneother friends. Niki wasnervous, but Vanessa said, "Don't worry. Just be yourself. You'll be fine" Finally, everyoneelse arrivedOne of Vanessa's friends took one look at Niki and asked, "Why are you siting with the snob,Vanessa? Come on and eat with us." Niki's eyes filled with tears.Vanessa took a breath and then said, "I'm sitting with Niki because she's my friend and she'snice. How about finding out for yourself instead of believing every rumor you hear?" For amoment, everyone stared at each other. Then, very slowly, the other girls sat down at the table.At first, nobody said much, but soon, they started talking. By the time lunch was over, Nikirealized that Vanessa was right all she had to do was be herself. And all everyone else neededto do was stop believing rumors.