Your teacher has to decide who will share hotel rooms during your class trip to Mexico. What could you say about your morning routine so that your teacher can choose your roommate? Give as many details as possible so that he or she can determine if you are really compatible roommates.
Your answer should be 1-2 paragraphs in length. Make sure you insert any needed accents, tildes, and special punctuation marks that Spanish uses. Write at least 5 sentences and focus on using the correct verb forms.
Mi rutina en las mañanas es primero despertarme e ir al baño, me cepillo mis dientes y me ducho. Me visto para poder ir con mis padres a desayunar y poder empezar mi mañana. Siempre nos tomamos un café y hablamos de lo que tenemos planeado por hacer. Luego alisto mis útiles escolares y me voy a la escuela manejando. Soy muy tranquila y organizada. (If you are a male then i’ll be TranquilO and organizadO)