Match each group in colonial Latin Amenca society with its description

1. Mestizos
2. Mulattos
3. Slaves
4. Peninsulares
1- People with one parent of Spanish descent and the other an American Indian --- Mestizos
2- People with one parent of Spanish descent and the other an African American --- Mulattos
3- People who were forcibly transported from Africa to work on plantations --- Slaves
4- People who came from Spain and held the most power --- Peninsulares
1- The term mestizo was applied by the Spanish Empire in the sixteenth century, to name one of the "castes" that integrated social stratification based on the hierarchy of races, imposed in its colonies in America: that of the son of a father or mother of "white race" and a mother or father of "Amerindian race."
2- From the Spanish colonization of America, that is to say from the sixteenth century, people born from the union between a white person (in general, during the colonization of America, of Spanish or European ancestry) and a black person (which at the time of colonization was of African black descent) are called mulattos.
3- The African slave trade was one of the practices carried out with slaves obtained in Africa, although the general use of the expression restricts the geographic location to sub-Saharan Africa or "black Africa", identifying as "blacks" the subjects of such slave trade. Despite being such a denomination a stereotype that does not actually indicate any scientifically established anthropological category, the identification of its physical features, especially dark skin, was the basis of its racial discrimination.
4- Peninsular is the name by which the natives of the Iberian Peninsula were designated, as opposed to the premises of Spanish overseas territories at the time of the Spanish empire.