i want to know this 50 minutes after 1

The minute arm will point towards 10.
In a clock, the digits represent the hour of the day, while the small points represent the minutes of that particular hour of the day. two complete revolutions of the hour arm(small arm) means a complete day of 24 hours, while the one complete revolution of the minute arm represents an hour.
As we can see in the image the hour hand is already placed after 1 therefore it is in the right place.
Also, in the image, the clock is having 12 numbers, which are showing the hours in a day, while the small points on the edge of the clock are showing the minutes, at any particular point in time.
As an hour is divided into 60 minutes, therefore, these small 60 points represent those minutes for the minute arm. Between any two numbers, there are 5 points, therefore representing 5 minutes.
For 50 minutes the minute arm needs to cross 49 points and points towards the 50th point, also, we have discussed that the number of points between any two numbers is 5, therefore, dividing the 50 minutes by 5, we get 10. thus the minute arm should point towards 10.
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