Name the point. Write the result in the form a + bi.

Step-by-step explanation:
On the Cartesian x-y plane, a point is located by giving the ordered pair of its coordinates. A point in this position on the x-y plane would have coordinates (-7, 6). That is, it is located 7 units to the left of the vertical axis, and 6 units above the horizontal axis.
The complex plane is similar in many ways, but each point represents a single number (not a pair of numbers). That single number has two parts: a real part and an imaginary part. The real part is measured by the real axis, a horizontal axis that looks very much like the x-axis of a Cartesian plane. The imaginary part is measured against the imaginary axis, a vertical axis that looks very much like the y-axis of a Cartesian plane.
Just as an ordered pair locates a point on the Cartesian plane, a complex number with a real part and an imaginary part locates a point on the complex plane. The imaginary part is identified by the "i" multiplier. (In some fields of study, notably Electrical Engineering, "j" is used instead of "i", because "i" has a different meaning.)
Here, your point is 7 units left of the imaginary axis, so has a real part of -7. It is 6 units above the real axis, so has an imaginary part of 6. When both parts are written together, the number is written -7+6i.
Comparing this form to a+bi, we find a=-7, b=6.