Plz answer the two questions picture is provided

Answer: D
Explanation: Because the Gupta's developed the concept of zero, it helped mathematics greatly. By looking at the other side of the organizer, it looks like the impact of have the first efficient post office helped improve communication, so it would make sense that the invention of algebra helped develop pi.
Because the Gupta's developed the concept of zero, it helped mathematics greatly. By looking at the other side of the organizer, it looks like the impact of have the first efficient post office helped improve communication, so it would make sense that the invention of algebra helped develop pi. (The number system was developed by a mathematician and astronomer named Aryabhatta in 498 CE. This system became known as the Arabic numerals, but it is really a Gupta accomplishment. These numerals paved the way for scientific discoveries during the Gupta Empire as well as today.)