Will someone answer these questions for me bkuz its for health and I cant answer them.

I will do it
Yes, I had terrible morning sickness. Threw up so much during the day it was terrible. I lost weight during it all because I couldn't keep anything down. The doctor put me on protein shakes (the ones that body builders drink). It tasted terrible. I added some fruits and they were alright. I had to find food. As far as weight; I think I started to gain weight in the 3rd trimester. I lost about 15 pounds...but put on about 30 in the last trimester.
No birthing classes. Didn't have time because I worked and when I wasn't working...I was too busy trying to keep my food down or going to the doctors.
i don't remember any type of food cravings due to the morning sickeness. But later one, all I wanted was cheeseburgers (double or triple), I guess that is where I started to gain most of the weight I lost during the 1st and 2nd trimester.
We chose the name. Yes, we wanted to know if we were going to have a boy or girl. It didn't change; we both still worked. I worked til the due date (C-section) and he did the same. After the birth, he went back to work and visited me in the hospital. He took one day off to prep the house and get us from the hospital (Friday) and he had the weekend. I stayed home until my 6 weeks was up and then I went back to work.
Location (you put your own city)
No water breaking (C-section)
no contractions, no labor, took about 10 minutes for baby to be born, lots of pain meds (to help me move) because when you have a C-section, you are cut through muscle and then taped until healed..ouch when that tape had to come off (felt like duct tape)
No real complication; just couldn't move hard because I could re-open the C-section
stayed in the hospital for a week
body statistics
7 3/4 pounds
14 inches long
APGAR score 10
hair: (what is your hair color)
eye (what is your eye color)
Hope this helps you with your "birth story"