I’m so lost. Anyone know?

the name of the note would be from the musical alphabet, A B C D E F G.
going up, the bottom line starts as E (for treble) and ens with F at the top. Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge (<- lines) FACE (<- spaces). so the first note in the first measure is F.
the value of a note is how long it must be held, one beat, two beats, one and a half beats, etc. so in the first measure, the value is an eighth. although, rests count as a value as well. there are quarter rests (one beat) half rest (two beats) and more. the first rest and the very beginning is a quarter rest.
i hope this helps :D
i think that going to the bottom line starts as E (treble) and ends with F at the top. the rest im a little fuzzy on.