read the following passage from the love story of j Alfred prufrock for I have known them all already known them all have known the evening's mornings afternoons I have measured out my life with coffee spoons I know the voices dying with a dying fall which words from this passage best demonstrate the speaker's feeling that his life is superficial a I know the voices dying with a dying fall b I have measured out my life with coffee spoons c4 I have known them all already known them all d have known evening'sā€‹

Respuesta :

Probably B.

When you measure something out by spoonfuls, you're following a recipe. Recipes produce similar results for everyone that uses them. So, something superficial is something that is already known, not unique.

I hope this helps.


b I have measured out my life with coffee spoons


In the passage from "The Love Story of J. Alfred Prufrock," the speaker makes reference to the experience he has lived. In fact, he believes that he has lived a lot, when actually his own living can be measured by the cups of coffee he has had. Besides, nothing really interesting has occured to him among those cups of coffee, just hearing what other people say through the walls or in public places.